Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 15, 2008

Well today I'm turning over a new leaf! Our house is just way too cluttered and it is starting to bug me....or has bugged me for awhile, but I haven't done anything about it. So I logged on to FlyLady for some tips...she's all about curing you of CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) and I definitely have that more days than not. So I'm going to try to follow some of her ways...the very first thing you are supposed to do is Shine your that is what I did...and look how clean it is?!?!?! I was amazed! So ask me in a few weeks how I'm doing...and if my sink still looks like this!


Anonymous said...

Now I have to go to that link and check it out...your sink looks AMAZING...Denise would be soooo proud of you!!! xo

The Phamily Matriarch said...

Okay, I'm with katestclair, I have to check out that flylady. WHat a shiny sink!

Great picutre of your me a camera like yours one day.

How cute to bring Daddy to school! And yes, I think it's definitely a boys' thing when it comes to reading and pottying. LOL


Anonymous said...

Your sink really looks beautiful and we are very proud of you at!

littlewonders said...

Too funny! I cleaned my sink last night too! Have fun decluttering...I find it makes me much more relaxed. Now if only I could get my husband to join me...

Anonymous said...

Okay - I didn't clean the sink, but we have been doing some CRAZY "redecorating" here - pictures up, paint, new furniture - so exciting! I have never tried that Flylady - heard of it though. I'm proud of you!!

Take care,