Monday, July 14, 2008

July 11, 2008

Tonight we had a neighborhood Taco & Margarita party! It was a bittersweet good time because it was a going away party for our good friends Jill, Brooks and Gavin! They are only moving 5 miles away - but we're still sad! Gavin will still be coming to my house at least twice a week when Jill goes to work so the boys will still get to play and I know that Jill and I are going to have to find some mommy time too! We love you guys and we're going to miss you!

Frying the tacos - YUMMY!
4 of us had worn the same shade of blue! (Not sure what Steph and I found so funny!)
Me, Jill and Kahala
Best Buds!
Gonna miss ya girl!

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