Monday, July 13, 2009

July 3

Hope you enjoy the gazillion pictures the next few days - there was just so much fun to be had :)
Sparkler fun (notice he was very festive with his towel!)
Cousin Mark doing fireworks with Braden
Waiting for the VERY LOUD train! He jumped back after it started blowing it's whistle repeatedly!
Hanging with Mark Twain

Watching Jamie and Addy play mud volleyball! This is serious business here! It is pretty fun to watch (I've never had the desire to play, but Chris has played in years past!)
Katie and I enjoyed a few cold drinks from the beer (bicardi) truck!
Ok this picture needs a little explanation...I dressed Braden in this outfit for watching mud volleyball fully expecting that he would at some point get muddy. It is very hard to avoid the mud down there even if you try hard! So this is how it went:
Braden: "Mom, is it ok if I get my shirt dirty?"
Me: "Sure honey, it is ok if it gets dirty, it's an old shirt"

So instead of just waiting to see if he got dirty - he immeadiately began to dump dirt all over his shirt...just because he could :) What a goon...stay tuned for the REALLY dirty pictures (I will be posting the mud fun on the 6th - when I didn't get a picture taken for the day!)

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